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Broad International Central Bank Experience

Working Relations with numerous Central Banks:

Bank for International Settlements – BIS

BIS is the bank for central banks ◦ conducts research on central bank topics ◦ offers asset management solutions for central banks. At the BIS Asian office in Hong Kong Marlene coordinated the Asian Bond Fund (ABF) initiative for 11 leading Asian Central Banks of the EMEAP group (representing a total of USD 6.2 trl in reserves)

Executives’ Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks

The Executives’ Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) brings together 11 leading Asian central banks ◦ launched the Asian Bond Fund Initiative (ABF) to foster the Asian local currency markets ◦ regular meetings cover a broad range of asset management topics and target a reduction of market impediments ◦ EMEAP members are the Reserve Bank of Australia, People’s Bank of China, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Bank Indonesia, Bank of Japan, The Bank of Korea, Bank Negara Malaysia, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Monetary Authority of Singapore, and Bank of Thailand.

People’s Bank of China – PBoC

Close collaboration with PBoC offered in-depth insight into Chinese data and institutions ◦ developed an indicator for underlying inflation in China which forecasts inflation better than other core measures ◦ the indicator is updated on a regular basis by PBoC

Federal Reserve Bank New York – FRBNY

Co-creator of the “Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Underlying Inflation Gauge (UIG)” (now discontinued) ◦ from 2005 to 2023, UIG forecast in-/deflation trends for the USA better than traditional core measures ◦ developed during a stay as Visiting Resident Scholar in 2004/05 ◦ regular follow-up visits and ongoing advisory work ◦ joint research work and publication with FRBNY on the implementation of monetary policy

Swiss National Bank – SNB

Served as Head of Investment Strategy and Financial Markets Analysis in the Financial Market Department (Dept. III) ◦ one of the three members of the SNB investment committee for the multi-asset and multi-currency reserve portfolio (USD 250 bn AuM at the time) ◦ developed and implemented best practice models in strategic asset allocation (SAA) for bonds, equities and currencies ◦ headed and worked in internal and international working groups on financial market topics ◦ contributed to more than 40 speeches of board members ◦ developed and implemented a real-time management information system MAP (SNB Market Analysis Platform ◦ advised governing board members on matters of monetary policy and financial markets ◦ worked as Researcher in the Monetary Policy Department (Dept. I) ◦ developed measures for in-/deflationary trends in Switzerland ◦ conducted research on banks’ behavior in credit lending (credit channel) ◦ forecasting of international economics and Swiss business cycles using the SNB macro-model.