- UIG captures sustained movements in inflation from information contained in a broad set of price, real activity, and financial data.
- UIG proved especially useful in detecting turning points in trend inflation and has shown higher forecast accuracy compared with core inflation measures.
- UIG complements the inflation dashboard of policy makers and investors.
- for an introduction check out “Measuring Trend Inflation with the Underlying Inflation Gauge”.
- for an explanation of UIG construction and review of the experience of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with daily, real-time updates of the UIG, made internally since 2005: “The New York Fed Staff Underlying Inflation Gauge (UIG)
- developed in 2004/2005, UIG was published monthly by FRBNY from 2017 to 2023
- Bloomberg Ticker: UIGDATA (for UIG full), UIGDPRIC (for UIG prices)